Success Story

Congrats to reaching your therapy goals, Mr Rivens!
Mr. Rivens came to Woodlands Place following an extensive hospitalization for a skin graft to his right foot. At evaluation, Mr. Rivens required assistance from our dedicated staff to complete transfers, and dressing task, as he was limited on walking due to weight bearing restrictions. The exceptional nursing and therapy team at Woodlands Place collectively worked together to devise a personalized treatment plan to address weakness, balance issues, and provide strategies for achieving independence despite his weight bearing limitations.
We are thrilled to share that Mr. Rivens’s hard work has paid off. He has regained his mobility and is now walking over 200 feet with a rolling walker, manages transfers without assistance, negotiating stairs, and can complete dressing tasks. Mr. Rivens has successfully returned home, a testament to both his unwavering commitment and the remarkable care delivered by the skilled nursing and therapy team at Woodlands Place.